The Promises, as referred to in the AA book, in my experience, have never been broken promises.
However, patience, while working the Twelve Steps, was essential to obtain the promises. They didn't come true overnight. But after more than a year in the AA program, some promises did come true in the form of a pink cloud---a splendid beauty of a recognition of God's love accessed through the step work itself.
What a price I paid in struggle to be entirely honest about my character defects---my false ego fighting to maintain its sway. Simple but not easy? An apt AA saying aptly put.
That first pink cloud passed, as all clouds do, yet it put an indelible impression upon me. Where there was despair hope had blossomed forth in a tulip called a Faith that Works---a believing that stilled the agitations of doubt. Misgivings disappeared to be supplanted by confidence in my Higher Power, Jesus Christ.
I will write now about two ways in which the Promises have come true for me.
First, my self-conscious fear to speak in meetings has entirely dissipated. I extemporaneously share openly and honestly in meetings with twenty people participating. I speak from my heart while pondering the most apt words to express myself. Before, I cringed at the very thought of sharing. My blood raced and my heart pumped so much so that I shared only at meetings sparsely attended. I feared bored or objecting looks on faces. "Fear of people will disappear" is one promise The Promises guarantee. Now, after about thirty years in recovery, that promise has come true for me.
The second promise that came true branches off "fear of people will disappear."
Before, I would slip unwittingly into "catching the eyes" of men. I feared in a homophobic way. Gay men would hit on me and I had no consciousness of why. I plagued myself with doubts about my sexual orientation.
Now those symptoms have almost all completely disappeared. I no longer fear doing nor do I "catch the eyes of men." Although in the past homophobic, now good friends of mine live out of the proverbial closet and some in married relationships with their partners.
Although in the past I have had same sex encounters, I now realize I am predominately heterosexual. I didn't get any "conversion" therapy that brought about this change. The change took place from working the 12 Steps of the Big Book of Alcoholocs Anonymous, particularly inside the SPAA program.
Thus, that is the second of one of many, many other promises that have come true for me.
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