Sunday, December 1, 2024

Step Six Oughts and Thoughts

I felt this Step was gonna be a hop skip and a jump Step, a little Step, a relatively unimportant Step in the greater scheme of recovery. Feeling wise. 

I've found each Step of the Twelve Steps fitted neatly one atop the prior in the right place at the right time for me the addict person working those Steps in order to recover---each served as preparation for the next. 

Step Six:

"Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character."

I will write about the way taking Step Six best ought to be taken and the way I did it in actuality. 

The former fist: Entirely, that's the main word, the hinge word. All the way ready, completely ready, no holds barred ready and ready in the entirety of readiness. 

Conceptualize getting ready for a formal dinner; You're the man getting ready to go on a dinner date during which you plan to ask her the woman you love to marry you. You shave the entirety of the scrub off your face, you trim your nails, you shower for an hour then on goes a dash of Aqua Velva. You dress in a stylish tuxedo. 

You're making yourself entirely ready!

Switch now to how might preparing to take Step Six ought to be.

Pray daily a half hour for a week. Fast one day, bread and water only. Double down on reading the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. Meditate on what entirely ready means. Do a work of mercy and almsgiving. 

I didn't do this, but if I had I would have been  much more entirely ready for my encounter with my Higher Power, the Christ, in Step Six. The man had entirely prepared himself for his marriage proposal.

The Six Step Stepper was "entirely ready to ask God to remove all these defects of character."

Now onto the actual experience of my taking Step Six. Preparation? I don't recall much about preparation. However, I believe I did prepare because I am and was back then a seriously intent person when it comes to recovery, especially recovery from my addiction to sex and pornography. 

I took the Sixth Step in concert with my sponsors in AA, OA and SPAA. Each time when taking that Step was sacred and imbued with reverence. I recall that. At no time did I ever take Step Six lightly. 

Thank you for reading this. 

My next blog post will be about how repeatedly working the Twelve Steps has made so many of The Promises come true for me.  

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